Friday, August 1, 2008

Just a few picts from the July 19th weekend... up Ephraim Canyon over on Trail Mt. and to Lamar Barton's ... Snowmobile Barbecue pit...


Tiago Borges said...

Muito show o seu blog!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Your pictures are great. I just found your blog through Marci's. Her baby is adorable. I have to tell you a funny story. The other day we were drivin up to Steve's house, and Sisi (my little 3 year old) said as we passed your house. Theres Uncle Pauls house???? I dont know where she got that from, I think she has been at your house 2 times, and it was along time ago. Any way me and Fred got a good laugh at that. So where ever she got that from you are now Uncle Paul to her:) I didnt think she even new who you were, but apparantly I was wrong.