Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Boswell-Olsen Golf Tournament


joni said...

what is going to take to have a dad call his daughter when he is in nevada??? next time you come so close let me know we would love to see you!!! love you!!

VOO said...

Once again, Oil Can, you are in every goddamn photo on your blog. Does it occur to you that people may get tired of looking at your less than impressive image? I am disappointed that The Dude and Needles Nate would lower themselves to the extent of inviting you and Lap Dance to be involved in their tournament....

Marci Jolley said...

I don't even want to know why Brad is called Lap Dance.

Looks fun! Can't wait to see ya!

Love you.

VOO said...

In the photo of you and the Dude, the Dude does not look very happy. He actually looks quite irritated that you have your arm around him. you can almost read his mind: "Why did I invite this asshole?"

cboswell said...

I was mad, someone in that group stole my bloody mary.